Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thorn at Five Months!!

Wow, I am really getting behind in my blogging!! Let's remedy that now. Here are some of our photos of Thorn at five months!

At five months old, Thorn has gotten pretty tall! Here he is standing on his back legs. My arm is sticking straight out from my shoulder and the top of my head is around the top of the frame. :)

Here is Thorn sitting pretty so you can see his colors. We thought that he was going to be a gray sable, colored more like his mom, Sadie, but he seems to be turning into a golden or light brown sable. Those dang sables, they change every time you turn around when they're growing up! Sometimes it is REALLY hard to tell what color a sable pup will end up!

And another sitting one of Thorn with a smile:

And Thorn in a free stack!

And another stack photo where he is trying very hard to get the treat in my hand!

And finally, here is one of Thorn in a flying trot, albeit a very slow one (so he's not stretched out much):

We hope you've enjoyed Thorn's five months photos--I'll get his six-months and seven-months photos up soon!!

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